English version below
ORLO Watches Copenhagen er stolt sponsor af Player of the Match ved årets World Deaf Handball Championships, som afholdes i Frederiksberg-Hallerne d. 3.-15. juli. ORLO giver en helt særlig gave til de spillere, som bliver valgt til Player of the Match (kampens spiller).
Som ejer af ORLO Watches Copenhagen er Kristian Bernt stolt over det fortsatte sponsor-samarbejde med Dansk Døve Idrætsforbund – en alliance, der begyndte i 2020 og kun bliver stærkere. ORLO sponserer VM i håndbolds Player of the Match-pris med unikke ure, som skal give spillerne noget at huske fremadrettet.
Kristian Bernt Knudsen udtaler: “‘Player Of the Match’-prisen fremhæver den spiller, der har vist ekstraordinær dygtighed og ildhu. Ved at fejre denne udøver med et ur fra ORLO Watches ønsker vi at give dem et varigt symbol på deres succes; en påmindelse om, at passion og hårdt arbejde virkelig betaler sig. Det repræsenterer sejren over tidens udfordringer og holder løftet om endnu større triumfer i fremtiden.“
Samarbejdet med DDI er en naturlig forlængelse af ORLOs vision om at etablere sig som det mest meningsfulde urmærke globalt og et symbol på deres engagement i at skabe bro mellem mennesker. Kristian Bernt Knudsen udtaler: Vi støtter DDI ud fra overbevisningen om, at sport bringer folk sammen på tværs af enhver grænse – sprog, kultur eller fysiske udfordringer. Det er indbegrebet af døvesporten i Danmark og under DDI, hvor alle er forenet af sporten.”
Derudover er det med stolthed, at ORLO bakker op om disse fantastiske ambassadører for døvesporten i verden. Han fortæller: “Vi mener, at alle mennesker har ret til at forfølge deres drømme uanset udfordringer, de måtte møde. Vi er stolte over at være en del af en gruppe fantastiske ambassadører for døvehåndbolden og så til et VM i Danmark – hvor er det stort!”
Vi er taknemmelige for vores fortsatte samarbejde med ORLO Watches Copenhagen og ser frem til det kommende VM i håndbold med dem som sponsor af Player of the Match-prisen. Gennem deres støtte ønsker de ikke blot at fejre døveidrætten men også individuelle præstationer. Joachim Thor Krøyer udtaler: “Vi er virkelig glade for, at vores samarbejde med ORLO fortsætter, og det er fedt, at have dem med på rejsen ved VM i håndbold. De talentfulde spillere skal hyldes, og det gør vi på flot vis med ure fra ORLO, som udtrykker hårdt arbejde, passion og flotte detaljer – lige i VM’s ånd.”
Du kan læse mere om ORLO Watches Copenhagen på www.orlowatches.com.

WDHC: ORLO Watches Copenhagen are the proud sponsor of Player of the Match award
ORLO Watches Copenhagen is the proud sponsor of the Player of the Match award at the World Deaf Handball Championships (WDHC), held at Frederiksberg-Hallerne from July 3rd to 15th. ORLO provides a special gift to the players chosen as the Player of the Match.
As the owner of ORLO Watches Copenhagen, Kristian Bernt is proud of the ongoing partnership with the Danish Deaf Sports Federation – an alliance that began in 2020 and only grows stronger. ORLO sponsors the Player of the Match prize at the Handball World Championships with unique watches, aiming to give the players something to remember in the future.
Kristian Bernt Knudsen states: “The ‘Player Of the Match’ award highlights the player who has shown extraordinary skill and determination. By celebrating this athlete with a watch from ORLO Watches, we want to provide them with a lasting symbol of their success; a reminder that passion and hard work truly pay off. It represents the victory over the challenges of time and holds the promise of even greater triumphs in the future.”
The collaboration with DDI is a natural extension of ORLO’s vision to establish itself as the most meaningful watch brand globally and a symbol of their commitment to create bonds between people. Kristian Bernt Knudsen states: We support DDI based on the belief that sports bring people together across any barrier – language, culture, or physical challenges. It epitomizes deaf sports in Denmark and under DDI, where everyone is united by the sport.”
Furthermore, it is with pride that ORLO supports these fantastic ambassadors of deaf sports worldwide. He says: “We believe that all individuals have the right to pursue their dreams regardless of the challenges they may face. We are proud to be part of a group of amazing ambassadors for deaf handball and especially for a World Championship in Denmark – it’s huge!”
We are grateful for our ongoing collaboration with ORLO Watches Copenhagen and look forward to the upcoming World Deaf Handball Championship with them as the sponsor of the Player of the Match award. Through their support, they aim to celebrate not only deaf sports but also individual achievements. Joachim Thor Krøyer states: “We are truly happy that our collaboration with ORLO continues, and it’s great to have them on board for the journey at the WDHC. The talented players deserve recognition, and we do it in style with watches from ORLO, which express hard work, passion, and exquisite details – as in the spirit of the WDHC.”
You can find out more about ORLO Watches Copenhagen at www.orlowatches.com.